Posts tagged ‘obama’

It’s Victory Around the World for Obama

Around the world, people have been rejoicing over our new U.S. president, Barack Obama. Sorry Republicans, but Senator Obama’s message of ‘change’ amid this sobering economic crisis was something we desperately needed to hear.


Following last Tuesday’s election, members of the Japanese parliament, particularly ones of the president-elect’s generation, let out a collective sigh of relief: “Obama’s election means that the qualities of youth, efficiency, and ability to move with global trends could become prized commodities even within the Japanese political world,” said Diet member to Mainichi News.


Like with many countries, Japan’s political and economic will has been at the mercy of the U.S. government. And let’s face it, this current U.S. administration has been nothing more than a big bully. When Japan discovered spinal cord tissue in its U.S.-imported beef it held up a two-year ban that, sadly, ended with the U.S. strong-arming them back into trade relations. Imagine having to feed your children suspicious and perhaps deadly meat just because the dirty ‘ol butcher wants to stay in business.

I think it’s this sort of arrogance by the U.S. that’s brewed a greater sense of nationalism from Japan to stand up on its own. But now with Obama at the helm, in about 70 days at least, I think we may start to see their attitude soften a bit.

Meanwhile, in the western corner of Japan, the town of Obama has been celebrating the senator’s victory with hula dancers and red bean cake. The sleepy coastal village made headlines around the world as they rooted loudly for the senator who shared its name. The attention helped bolster the local economy, of course. Seems everyone came out a winner. \(^o^)/


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November 13, 2008 at 4:33 pm 1 comment

A Town Named Obama

The presidential race heated up last week between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. But as the days go by, Obama is building momentum as the younger, more charming senator who promises to lead the country toward “real change”.

Thousands of miles away, a Japanese fishing town is hoping he’ll come through. With a meager population of 32,000, the city of Obama (meaning “small seashore”) is rooting for their namesake, not because they enjoy universal healthcare, but because publicity for the Illinois senator lends attention their way.

More than most U.S. citizens themselves, Obama dwellers have been active participants in this year’s campaigning, following state primaries, wearing Obama tees, and covering wall-space with “I *heart* Obama” posters. And then there’s the red bean cakes printed with an anime-style mug of the senator. It sure beats bumper stickers.

Though Mayor Toshio Murakami admits that it wasn’t until Senator Obama started picking up pace when the city became an active supporter. He figures 8-10 odds in his favor.

Last year, the mayor expressed his support, searching for Obama’s address online and mailing over a pair of lacquer chopsticks, one of the city’s regional products. Next, he’s sending a good luck charm (“omamori”) from the local shrine. No doubt, if Senator Obama were to actually respond with a “thank you,” the mayor will extend a grand tour of the fishing town. And if that should come about all eyes will be on Obama, both person and place.

Now if only there was a town in China named Clinton.


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JPBizDirect, a Los Angeles based company, provides practical solutions for U.S. – Japan business projects. Our experienced Japanese staff will support all phases of your business project to seize business opportunities and turn your vision into a reality. >> Learn more

March 10, 2008 at 1:26 pm 1 comment

riseup japan support japan and be cool


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