Posts tagged ‘Biore’

The Freshen-Up Pouch

Like any good consumer, I have a pouch for all occasions — particularly for visits to the ladies room. After all, how tacky would it be to flaunt a sanitary napkin around the office. It’s like saying, “Hello world! Guess what time of the month it is!?”

Classy ladies always stay fresh, but they’re also discreet about it. So whether it’s a toothbrush, an eyeliner pencil, a Biore powder sheet, or that time of the month, I’m sure to keep it packed in a cute little bag.

Some of my favorite accessories come from Artisan&Artist, which specializes in small pouches packed with tons pockets. Quality-wise, they’re durable and the zipper never gets caught on loose strings hanging at the seams. Believe me, when you’re rushing to find your lip gloss in a crowded Tokyo intersection a sturdy zipper really helps!

Here in Los Angeles, I don’t see many people using these type of small, utilitarian bags. I have a feeling it’s because we keep all our stuff sprawled out in the backseat of our car. In Tokyo, however, you’re dependent on public transportation, so it’s hard to stay fresh as roses when you’re cooped up in a musty commuter train, especially in the dead of summer. That’s why the ‘freshen-up pouch’ is a girl’s best friend.

Designer Shinzi Katoh also has a bunch of cute little bags. Check them out! I know you want one~! \(^o^)/


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Thinking of doing business in Japan? We can make it easy for you!
japanizmo, a Los Angeles based company, provides practical solutions for U.S. ? Japan business projects. Our experienced Japanese staff will support all phases of your business project to seize business opportunities and turn your vision into a reality. >> Learn more

June 30, 2010 at 3:58 pm Leave a comment

Beating the Heat

Japan gets nasty-hot in the summer. It’s the kind of heat that wakes you up at night, soaking your shirt in a most embarrassing way. It’s the kind of heat that makes you wanna live in an igloo. During the summer I’d remove any piece of furniture that bumped up the thermometer even one degree. So out went the fridge, computer and feather blanket. They stayed in the kitchen until winter.

At night, I set aside fear of robbers and kept ajar the sliding balcony door. Then over the course of eight hours I slowly edged my way outside where by morning I was in the company of curious birds coming to poop on me.

These days it’s much easier to stay cool. How bout an icy gel mattress? Or doggie-shaped feet coolers? Take a look for yourself:

I found these items on the Tokyu Hands website. It’s one of my favorite department stores in Japan because they sell useful household goods both creative and cute. For the ice mattress (~$150) all you have to do is place it under your fitted sheet. The pillow costs an extra $50. The feet coolers are only $12. Wrap the elastic band around the arch of your foot and watch as it cools down your body. For a quick fix, try the ‘cool skin bar’ for just under 10 bucks. Glide it onto your skin for a nice cooling sensation.

Unlike on the U.S. west coast, Japan’s heat is humid and sticky. So you can emerge from the shower and five minutes later need another one. It’s the most uncomfortable thing for those with overactive glands. On the other hand, the heat is a godsend if you suffer from chapped lips. Nothing stays dry in Japan.

By far, my favorite product for beating the heat is Biore’s ‘sara-sara‘ (soft and smooth) powder sheet pack. The moist sheet is coated with scented antiperspirant powder. Wipe it over troublesome parts of your body and you’ll magically stop sweating. Though the one drawback is that if someone tries kissing you on the cheek, they’ll be utterly grossed out because you’ll taste bitter. No one said antiperspirant tasted good.



Thinking of doing business in Japan? We can make it easy for you!

JPBizDirect, a Los Angeles based company, provides practical solutions for U.S. ? Japan business projects. Our experienced Japanese staff will support all phases of your business project to seize business opportunities and turn your vision into a reality. >> Learn more


July 15, 2008 at 5:50 pm 1 comment

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