Posts tagged ‘toilet’

Toilet Manners

I got this link from a friend today, a $19 gadget that emits white noise in the restroom. She knows I’m paranoid about carrying out private things in public places, so this battery-operated gizmo helps lessen the embarrassment.

Most female visitors to Japan have come across the original ‘oto-hime’ (literally, ‘sound princess’). It’s fixed into the stalls of most upstanding Japanese restrooms, and at the push of a button it plays the sound of a flushing toilet. The portable version of this gadget is called ‘eco-otome,’ stressing the fact that using this thing can save gallons of water women will otherwise flush down as white noise.

I can’t understand why the ‘oto-hime’ is such a hit in Japan, yet hasn’t found a home here in the U.S. Then again, women here aren’t nearly as self-conscious about what they do behind closed stalls. In Japan on the other hand, once you hear the woman next door drowning out her bodily sounds (#1, 2 and/or 3, for the record), you’re compelled to do the same. Etiquette is contagious!

It’d be neat to start the trend over here. Maybe this Christmas, I’ll buy every female friend one of these gadgets and urge them to use it. Next thing you know, women across the country will be using it. Save a flush, save the world! \(^o^)/


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February 9, 2010 at 3:42 pm 1 comment

The Wonders of Modern Toilet Technology

Restrooms in Japan have come a long way. The first time I used a Japanese-style toilet—now over two decades ago—I was so perplexed by it that I stood there in a stupor for a good 15 minutes.


There it was, a long porcelain basin on the ground with a hole leading from here to the center of the Earth. Forget that paper seat cover; you’ll be squatting. Never mind that your pant legs are falling dangerously close to the ground. Just aim. Though once you get used to a washiki toilet you realize that it’s actually not that bad. In fact, it’s quite sanitary.

Japanese toilets are a rare sight these days. Westernization has made way to what we Americans might consider ‘regular toilets.’ Reversely, a youshiki toilet proves perplexing to countryside grandmas, many of whom figure they could just stand right on the toilet seat to do their thing. “Please come down from there! You’ll hurt yourself,” I feel like telling them.


They say that Japan doesn’t invent new technology, rather, it takes an old one and makes it better. Well, that includes restrooms. In most modern Japanese homes, you’ll find an electric-powered toilet seat which can wash, air-dry or warm your bottom depending on what you fancy. At the touch of a button, a little nozzle will appear at the rim to spray warm water. Another nozzle will generate a burst of warm heat like an automatic hand dryer. Yet another button will heat up the seat, making those cold winter days a little more tolerable. Some toilets even have sensors in which the top cover will raise up when you enter, and lower shut when you leave.

Women’s restrooms often include a particular function custom made for the self-conscious. It’s called the otohime, which literally translates as “sound princess.” Press the button and you’ll hear the soothing sounds of a waterfall, producing enough ‘white noise’ to silence a wart hog in labor.

Now if they could only invent something to eliminate bad smell~! (^_<)


Thinking of doing business in Japan? We can make it easy for you!
JPBizDirect, a Los Angeles based company, provides practical solutions for U.S. – Japan business projects. Our experienced Japanese staff will support all phases of your business project to seize business opportunities and turn your vision into a reality. >> Learn more


April 18, 2007 at 2:37 pm Leave a comment

The Wonders of Modern Toilet Technology

Restrooms in Japan have come a long way. The first time I used a Japanese-style toilet—now over two decades ago—I was so perplexed by it that I stood there in a stupor for a good 15 minutes.


There it was, a long porcelain basin on the ground with a hole leading from here to the center of the Earth. Forget that paper seat cover; you’ll be squatting. Never mind that your pant legs are falling dangerously close to the ground. Just aim. Though once you get used to a washiki toilet you realize that it’s actually not that bad. In fact, it’s quite sanitary.


Japanese toilets are a rare sight these days. Westernization has made way to what we Americans might consider ‘regular toilets.’ Reversely, a youshiki toilet proves perplexing to countryside grandmas, many of whom figure they could just stand right on the toilet seat to do their thing. “Please come down from there! You’ll hurt yourself,” I feel like telling them.


They say that Japan doesn’t invent new technology, rather, it takes an old one and makes it better. Well, that includes restrooms. In most modern Japanese homes, you’ll find an electric-powered toilet seat which can wash, air-dry or warm your bottom depending on what you fancy. At the touch of a button, a little nozzle will appear at the rim to spray warm water. Another nozzle will generate a burst of warm heat like an automatic hand dryer. Yet another button will heat up the seat, making those cold winter days a little more tolerable. Some toilets even have sensors in which the top cover will raise up when you enter, and lower shut when you leave.

Women’s restrooms often include a particular function custom made for the self-conscious. It’s called the otohime, which literally translates as “sound princess.” Press the button and you’ll hear the soothing sounds of a waterfall, producing enough ‘white noise’ to silence a wart hog in labor.

Now if they could only invent something to eliminate bad smell~! (^_<)



Thinking of doing business in Japan? We can make it easy for you!
JPBizDirect, a Los Angeles based company, provides practical solutions for U.S. – Japan business projects. Our experienced Japanese staff will support all phases of your business project to seize business opportunities and turn your vision into a reality. >> Learn more


April 10, 2007 at 1:31 pm Leave a comment

riseup japan support japan and be cool


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